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Description & Information Guideline: World/Hood Info
Appears in: Neighborhoods & CAS Screens
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At a glance
It's important to include certain information about new worlds and neighbourhoods so that players know what to expect.
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Possible Assessments
The text is missing critical required information, or the information given appears to be incorrect.
The neighborhood is using a number reserved for an EA hood (1-40).
You have not given the lot size and price for the ten lots you have provided screenshots for.
All of the required information is included in the post text.
General Guidelines
It's important that you include certain information so that players know what to expect. This is also so the MTS moderation staff knows your world has been made right. The information required varies depending on which game you are uploading for.
The Sims 2 Guidelines, apply in addition to the above General ones.
Neighborhoods & CAS Screens
One of the most important things is to make sure that your neighborhood has a unique number. Hood numbers 1-40 are reserved for in game generation of hoods, some of these numbers are linked to the scripted events that happen in a hood. If your newly created hood uses one of these numbers, you can use a bulk rename utility to rename the folder and all files within.
* Optional: * MTS has created a Neighborhood Number Repository so if you want you can be sure that your neighborhood does not conflict with any existing neighborhoods as well.
All neighborhood uploads require the following information:
Please note that these requirements do not apply to maps only uploads, only full neighbourhoods.
Creating Custom Neighborhoods
Quick Guide to Creating Neighborhoods
Making A Neighborhood
Neighborhood Number Repository
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