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Required Screenshots Guideline: Pose animation
Appears in: Poses and Animations
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Possible Assessments
While you have showed images of your animation, downloaders would love to see it in action as well! Uploading a gif or video will help you with this so downloaders can see the movement of your animation :) Do make sure the whole body is being shown, so it's easy to see the whole thing! :)
While you have shown your pose animated as a video or gif, we can't see the entire body of the sim. Make sure your downloaders can see the whole animation well and clear and no parts of the sim is being cut off :)
Your video/gif of the animation looks really well done and clearly shows the animation! Awesome!
General Guidelines
If you're sharing a pose animation, it's always good to show off how it moves with either a video or gif. This way your downloaders can see what you're sharing and how your animation moves. Make sure that your video/gif is showing off the entire sim/pet body so downloaders have a clear view of what is going on :) The same counts for say, a jumping animation. Make sure that when the sim/pet jumps, a part of the head that might be off camera if filming to close, when in mid-air, should also be showed off.
After that you can easily put your video on Youtube, Vimeo or any other hosting site straight from your SavedVideos folder onto the hosting site of your liking! :) And of course, when uploading it, Sharing the link in your description with the [youtube] link here [/youtube] bbcode! (or upload it as a GIF if that is the preferred method)
Tutorials - The Sims 4
If you're a little clueless on how to make videos in-game, This might be a helpful video: Taking in-game videos
If you'd like to know how to create a video into a gif, here are some excellent videos on how to do this:
Photoshop CC | Photoshop CS6 and older | GIMP
Tutorials - The Sims 3
Tutorials - The Sims 2
If you're a little clueless on how to make videos in-game, This might be a helpful: Taking in-game videos
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