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Required Screenshots Guideline: Lot Screenshots
Appears in: Neighborhoods & CAS Screens
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At a glance
We require clear front pictures of 10 lots, 5 community and 5 residential.
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Possible Assessments
There are lots included on the map, but there are no pictures of them in the upload or the pictures included are not adequate. Please provide at minimum a front view for at least 10 lots - 5 residential and 5 community. We suggest choosing lots that are representative of the overall style of the neighborhood.
There are pictures of the lots included on the map, and these pictures are good enough to see the lots well. Thanks!
General Guidelines
It's important to showcase the work that's gone into building lots for the new map you've created. Showcasing those lots also lets downloaders get a good idea of the overall style of the map. For this reason we require:
These pictures should meet our guidelines for lot front pictures.
If your neighborhood has less than 5 of either residential or community lots, please make up the difference in the other category to provide 10 lot pictures. For example: if your world has 9 residential lots and 3 community lots total, provide pictures of the 3 community lots and then 7 residential to give a total of 10. If your neighbourhood has less than 10 lots of all kinds, then provide pictures of all lots.
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