View for: The Sims 4 The Sims 3 The Sims 2
Required Screenshots Guideline: Informative Screenshot
Appears in: Game Mods
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At a glance
All game mods need at least one screenshot which shows the function of the mod or represents its function if difficult to show in pictures.
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Possible Assessments
A informative screenshot of this mod is not attached, or the screenshot(s) included does not adequately demonstrate the function of your mod.
Thank you for including an informative screenshot of this mod!
General Guidelines
All game mods need at least one screenshot which shows the function of the mod or represents its function if difficult to show in pictures. Not only is it required so there's a nice thumbnail to show on the downloads page, it is also important to, as much as possible, demonstrate to downloaders what your mod does.
We understand that for some mods this may be challenging, especially those related to the game's sound and music. In these cases, we mostly ask that your screenshot relates to the mod's function as much as possible. For example, if it changed the sounds associated with a particular object, showing a picture of that object in use would be helpful.
Even if it's difficult to demonstrate a mod with pictures, please make a best effort, and avoid just using a random picture of your dog or similar (unless the function of your mod somehow relates to your dog!). We understand that it's not easy, sometimes, but we need some effort made.
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